
In a hierarchical kingdom isolated by magical nature lives a young girl Jasna. Blessed with the power of critical thinking and a fierce sense of justice, she comes into conflict with the Ruler Volk, who condemns her to a difficult path from which there is no return. By overcoming her own fears, caring and connecting with nature - the forest of Galgan - in a friendly way, she finds the key to changing the system and setting the entire kingdom free.

The Eagle Project combines several visual approaches: animated units linked to live-action parts, 3D environments and series of images morphing into colourful effects. The collage of approaches is then subjected to a brisk editing cadence, attempting to combine the chosen visualities in a way that keeps the audience on their toes and constantly surprises them with new formal possibilities.

The film visually replicates the aesthetics of contemporary rap music videos, namely: cartoon graphics (2D ), future models - 3D visuals, graphic fonts and characters represented by Slovak rapper Rollsout and young actress Luciana Tomášová. The story of the film takes place in an undefined timelessness, represented by actual visual elements - people with tattoos, braces, dyed hair and costumes without a period anchor.